Palindrome Crypto Pay SDK with Escrow Service

Create your own Crypto Payment System

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requirements {
node --version >= v16.15.0
npm --version >= 8.5.5
tsc --version >= 4.1.6
yarn @Palindromepay/sdk


Getting started

Learn how to getPalindrome Crypto Pay SDK set up.

Quick Start

Step-by-step guides to setting up your system and installing the library.


Integrate the checkout widget into your website without programming it from scratch.

Quick start

Do you want to start right away? Then install Palindrome Crypto Pay with a command line.

Installing dependencies

The SDK is written in TypeScript and can be imported into React, Vue and Angular applications. The SDK will be also in other languages such as Go and Python available.

yarn @Palindromepay/sdk

After the library is installed just import it to you (decentralized) application.

Importing the library

// App.tsx
import {
} from '@Palindromepay/sdk'

You should know!

We will start with creating your own Crypto Payment. Each payment system is encapsuled and the image/docs and description are saved encrypted on decentralized web3 storage.

There are two ways to create a payment system:

a) Using the library directly and calling the function PalindromePayCreatePayment.init() within your implementation.

b) Or you can create it over the page link if you want to skip an own implementation. The result is that you get a paymentSystemUID, orderBookUIDwhich is essential for the Crypto Payment System.

Getting help

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If you need help then write us at Discord